Each year. subtle changes of tone and tenor ale brought into the design and layout of the exhibition to make it more attractive to the people while the underlying concept of show easing the time tasted tribal culture remains virtually unchanged.
The Adivasi exhibition showcase the rainbow world of tribal culture, in its varied and myriad form - which are reflected from their pitched stalls on the exhibition ground. The characteristic house pattern of different tribal people, with their material culture in their prototype model adorns the ground, making the visitors confused choosing the fact from fiction.
Each day of the exhibition week, enactment of ethnic dance, drama group songs-fill the evening air. The visitor to the exhibition never feels bored even for a single momenta. The permanent stage, situated on the ground, with its cemented galleries for the audience, provides the platform to the cultural troupes and he visitor a place to witness the jovial life sequence of tribal people, which art best expressed in their dance sequences.
The exhibition has given sheltered to stall, pitched by other departments related to tribal life and tribal development. Departments such as Agriculture, Soil Conservations, Fishery, Forest, Small Scale Industries, associated with various development intervention for tribal people show their operational strategies out of ongoing development concept.
To put it precisely the adivasi exhibition, is a place for unwinding of the tribal and Non-tribal people at the beginning of the year. The Non-tribals come thronging to the exhibition ground to the the exotic tribes and also to purchase utilitarian items from mela ground. Starting from handicrafts goods to cooking masala from organic farming ate procured from the exhibition.